Frequently Asked Questions
We know you have questions about life here in Southern Labrador. Here are some common questions and answers. If you need more information, please contact us at information@southernlabrador.ca.
Health Services
  1. What health services do the local clinics provide? What services do I access outside the region?

    Labrador-Grenfell Health is responsible for providing quality health and community services through facilities located throughout the region. Individuals access services through outpatient appointments at the local health clinic. Specialty services are accessed through referral by designated health professionals. Some services that are not located within clinics may be offered through traveling clinics.

    For detailed information for each clinic please refer to our Health Services and Emergency Services pages.

  2. Is there an ambulance?

    Ambulance service is available for all communities between Charlottetown and L'Anse au Clair.

  3. Is childcare available?

    Childcare for infants, preschoolers and afterschool children is provided by individual caregivers in the communities of Southern Labrador. Due to low population numbers organized daycare is not available. Your employer, through contacts in the region, should be able to assist in providing information on those who provide in-home childcare.

  4. Is eldercare available?

    Labrador Straits Homecare provides homecare services to seniors in the communities of Lanse au Clair to Red Bay. For information on rates and services provided contact labsouthhomecare@nf.aibn.com

    Northern Homecare Services provide eldercare in communities north of Red Bay. For information on rates and services contact 709-454-0019.

  5. I'm expecting a baby. Is there prenatal care?

    There is excellent prenatal care for expectant mothers in Southern Labrador. You will have to travel outside the region to the Charles S. Curtis Memorial Hospital in St. Anthony, NF for ultrasounds and to deliver your baby. The community clinic or health centre in your new community will be able to give you more specific answers to your questions. Contact information can be found on the Labrador-Grenfell Regional Health Authority website.

  6. Is there a veterinarian?

    There is no veterinarian in the region. The nearest veterinarians are in Happy Valley-Goose Bay and the city of Corner Brook in Newfoundland. Happy Valley-Goose Bay is approximately a 600 km drive from the Labrador Straits and one of the larger communities in Labrador with a population of 7500. Corner Brook is a frequent shopping and holiday weekend destination for most local families and people do bring their animals to visit the vet while in town. Some of the hotels in Corner Brook are pet friendly. For the past few years we have had an annual visit from a veterinarian to the Labrador Straits.

  7. Is there a pharmacy?

    There is a pharmacy/drug store in Forteau with a fully licensed pharmacist available.
Schools & Education
  1. Are there Francophone schools in the area?

    While there are no francophone schools in the Southern Labrador region, students who are eligible to attend a French language school and are within busing distance, are able to attend school in Lourdes de Blanc Sablon, in the neighbouring province of Quebec. For information about services for francophone students contact the Francophone School Board of Newfoundland and Labrador at 1-888-794-6324.
Jobs in Labrador
  1. Where can my spouse get help in finding a job?

    Employment Assistance Services office located in Forteau, and Southern Star Employment Services office located in Charlottetown, are available to help individuals to look for a job, or to provide information about retraining for a new career.

    For detailed information for each office please refer to Employment Services on this website.
Travelling to and within Labrador
  1. Where can I find travel information for friends who want to visit?

    You can find travel information for visitors on these Labrador tourism websites: Destination Labrador and Labrador Coastal Drive.
About Living Here
  1. How does the price of goods and services compare with other regions of Newfoundland and Labrador?

    The price of goods and services are relatively comparable to other places in Newfoundland and Labrador. Cost of groceries, household items, personal care items can vary from community to community. Generally, prices are influenced by transportation cost and volume

  2. Are fresh foods,fruit,vegetables, and dairy products available year round?

    Fresh fruits, vegetables and dairy products are available year round. Selection of produce available may vary from community to community. International specialty produce is generally not available. Some grocers are able to bring in items at the request of customers if they are available.

  3. Are there tax advantages to living in Labrador?

    Residents in Southern Labrador pay municipal taxes that vary from community to community. Generally, these rates are relatively low compared to larger municipalities in Newfoundland and Labrador. Property owners may pay property tax and water and sewer tax. Those renting may be required to pay a nominal poll tax.

    Persons who work in Canada are required to pay income tax. If you are a resident of Southern Labrador for more than six months you may claim Northern Residence Deduction on your personal income tax. For more information see: Canada Revenue Agency, Northern Residence Deductions.

    Labrador residents are also entitled to the HST New Housing Rebate and the HST for building materials in Labrador. Additional information on these programs can be found at: HST New Housing Rebate and HST for Building Materials in Labrador.

  4. Where can I buy a car?

    Within the Southern Labrador region there are three automotive dealerships where you can buy new and used vehicles. The dealerships are located in Lanse au Clair and Forteau.

  5. I have a vehicle that is still under warranty. Is there somewhere to have it serviced?

    Ford and GM vehicles can be serviced at the local dealerships.

  6. Where can I buy a television?

    There are two furniture stores that sell home electronics in the Labrador Straits. There is a Sears outlet located in L'Anse au Loup for pickup of Sears catalog and online orders, including home furnishings and electronics. Sears delivers items through Canada Post to other communities. Home furnishings and electronics can also be ordered through the Northern Store in Cartwright. Other online electronics stores deliver items through Canada Post.

  7. How should I dress for winter? For summer?

    Winter is a big part of the lifestyle in Labrador and dressing appropriately will help to ensure you enjoy it. The temperature can dip to be very cold and the winds can challenge the strongest outdoor enthusiast. But warm winter clothing (eg. parka and snowpants), boots and accessories (warm, lined gloves or mittens, scarf, and hat), which can be purchased locally or ordered online, will enable you to do any of your favorite outdoor activities. Snowmobiling requires especially warm clothing and our snowmobile retailers also sell clothing and accessories.

    If you are traveling from a warmer country to Canada for the first time, Canadian winters can be surprisingly cold and snowy. You will need winter clothing designed for Canadian winters. Often the clothing label has a cold rating (eg. rated to minus 30 degrees Celsius). Winter boots also have cold ratings and soles with good grips are a good idea to avoid slips and falls on the ice.

    Southern Labrador summers are cooler in the coastal communities and warmer in the inland communities. A good waterproof, windproof jacket that can be layered with a sweater or fleece will take you from late spring to early fall. Most of our gift shops carry a selection of summer outerwear. Our Climate and Weather page provides more detailed information about the local climate.



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