Health Clinics in Southern Labrador
Regional Health Centre   Community Clinic
Health Services
Healthcare services in Southern Labrador is provided by the Labrador-Grenfell Regional Health Authority, one of four health authorities of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Labrador-Grenfell Health is an integrated health and community services board. It delivers both primary and secondary health services to the residents of Labrador, including acute care, diagnostic services, continuing and long term care, health promotion, mental health and addictions, family and rehabilitation services, child protection and intervention services, youth services, adoptions, child care services, residential services and community health nursing.

Labrador-Grenfell Health is responsible for providing quality health and community services through facilities located throughout the region. Individuals access services through outpatient appointments at the local health clinic. Specialty services are accessed through referral by designated health professionals. Some services that are not located within clinics may be offered through traveling clinics or by traveling to other health facilities in Labrador and the province. Financial support to access health services is provided through the Medical Travel Assistance Program.

Labrador-Grenfell Health offers clinics, emergency services, long term care, public health and inoculations and dental services. The listings below show the services available at each clinic or health centre.
Labrador South Health Centre
The Labrador South Health Centre is a regional health centre, located in Forteau, NL. The facility has five in-patient beds, one crib, plus an attached long-term care facility with fourteen beds, one of which is used for respite/palliative care. This health care facility provides levels two, three and four nursing care to residents.
Area residents can access a variety of services including:

  • Emergency Services
  • Ambulatory Care/Family Medicine
  • Dental Services
  • Community Mental Health Nursing Services
  • Child Youth and Family Services (includes childcare, both centre based and family child care, adoptions, youth corrections, child intervention services, family and rehabilitation services)
  • Diagnostic Services (limited laboratory and x-ray)

Residents can also access regional services via referral from a member of the local team.
Community Clinics
Black Tickle
The Black Tickle Community Clinic provides primary health care to the community. It is staffed by one Regional Nurse, one Personal Care Attendant and one Maintenance Repairer. A physician visits every six weeks for approximately three days. A dentist visits periodically. A Public Health Nurse visits every six to eight weeks from Cartwright. A Child, Youth and Family Services worker also visits periodically from Cartwright.
The Cartwright Community Clinic provides primary health care to the community. It is staffed by two Regional Nurses, one Public Health Nurse who also travels to Black Tickle, one Child, Youth and Family Services Social Worker, one and a half Personal Care Attendants and one Maintenance Man. A physician visits every six weeks and a dentist visits periodically.

The Charlottetown Community Clinic serves the residents of Charlottetown, Norman Bay and Pinsent's Arm. Emergency patients are medevaced to the appropriate referral centre. The clinic is staffed by two Regional Nurses/Nurse Practitioners, one Maintenance Repairman and one Personal Care Attendant. There is a lay dispenser located in Norman's Bay. The clinic receives visits from a physician every six weeks. There are also regular visits by other health care providers, including Dentists, Public Health Nurses, Behavior Management Specialists, Addictions Counselors, etc.
Mary's Harbour
The Mary's Harbour Community Clinic also provides services to the community of Lodge Bay, a nine-kilometer drive from the clinic. A physician and dentist visit every six weeks and allied health workers visit at regular intervals. Emergency patients are medevaced to the appropriate referral centre. The clinic is staffed by three Regional Nurses/ Nurse Practitioners, one Community Health Nurse, one Social Worker who travels to surrounding areas, one Personal Care Attendant and one Maintenance Repairman.
Port Hope Simpson
The clinic in Port Hope Simpson serves the communities of Port Hope Simpson and William's Harbour. Emergency patients are referred to the appropriate referral center. The community clinic has a staffing complement of 2.5 Regional Nurses/ Nurse Practitioners, a Public Health Nurse (PHN), a Behavior Management Specialist (BMS), an Addiction Counselor, and a Clinical Coordinator for the surrounding facilities. There is also one Personal Care Attendant, and one Maintenance Repairman. The Public Health Nurse, Behavior Management Specialist, and Addictions Counselor also travel to surrounding communities to provide client care. The dentist travels every six weeks. There are periodical visits provided by a doctor and other health care providers.

St. Lewis
The St. Lewis Community Clinic provides primary health care services to the community. Emergency patients are medevaced to the appropriate referral center. The clinic is staffed by two Regional Nurses/Nurse Practitioners. There is one Maintenance Repairman and a Personal Care Attendant. The clinic receives regular visits from a doctor, dentist and other health care providers.


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