For Children and Youth
In addition to offering a wonderful environment to grow up in, Southern Labrador provides a variety of activities and programs that support the physical and social growth of local children and youth.
Youth Centres
CYN (Community Youth Network) centres are drop-in centres for youth in the 12-18 year age range, with some flexibility depending on local circumstances.

The Southern Labrador/Strait of Belle Isle Community Youth Network operates sites in Southern Labrador in L'anse au Loup (Paula's Place), and Port Hope Simpson (The GAP Centre).

The CYN is committed to providing opportunities to youth that will help them become motivated, experience life choices and further their education and career goals.
Family Resource Centres
Family Resource Centres offer programs and drop-in centres for children ages 0-6 years and their parents, throughout the region.

Family Resource Centres promote the growth and development of children and their families. They offer places where kid, moms, dads, and caregivers can play, learn and relax together. Local Family Resource Centres offer regularly scheduled activities and programs and access to resources.
Junior Canadian Rangers Program
The Junior Canadian Rangers Program offers a variety of skill-developing activities that promote traditional cultures and lifestyles to youth between 12 and 18 years of age living in remote and isolated communities. The program is delivered by the Department of National Defence in the communities of Forteau and Port Hope Simpson.
Recreation Programs
Within the Southern Labrador region there is a variety of programming available for children and youth. Organized programming is dependent upon the season, community facilities and local resources and may be limited in some communities. However, activities may be available in neighboring communities and we encourage you to inquire at the local school or municipal office for detailed information.

Additional information about local recreation programs for children and youth can be found on our Recreation Page.
Facilities & Programs
Black Tickle
- Southern Labrador Family Resource Centre (0-12 years)
- Southern Labrador Family Centres
- Community Youth Network
- Junior Rangers
- Brownies and Girl Guides
- Anglican Youth Group
- Southern Labrador Family Resource Centre
- Labrador Straits Family Resource Centre (0-6 years)
- Junior Ranger Program (Subregional Program)
- Junior Development Skiing Program (ages 4 -17)
L'Anse au Clair
- Community Youth Centre
- Labrador Straits Family Resource Centre
L'Anse au Loup
- Paula's Place Youth Centre (12 to 18)
- Labrador Straits Family Resource Centre (Programs for Children 0-6)
- Minor Hockey Program (Serves Labrador Straits subregion)
Mary's Harbour
- Circle of Friends Family Resource Centre (Ages 0-12)
- Junior Rangers (12 - 18)
- Mary's Harbour Youth Centre (Ages 12 - 18)
- Youth Centre available nearby in West St Modeste
Port Hope Simpson
- GAP Youth Centre (12 to 18 years)
- Rainbow Centre (0-12 years)
- Junior Rangers (13 to 18 years)
Red Bay
- Teen Stop Youth Centre (Ages 12 - 18)
- Labrador Straits Family Resource Centre (Ages 0-6)
St. Lewis
- Junior Ranger Program (12 to 18 years)
West St. Modeste
- The Zone Youth Centre (Ages 12 - 18)
- Labrador Straits Family Resource Centre (Ages 0-6)


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