Our Communities
Population: 445
No Cell phone service
Yes Highspeed Internet
Yes Post office
Yes Road access
Yes Convenience items
Yes Food service
Yes Gasoline
Yes Groceries
Note: Cell phone service is available in some parts of Forteau.
Travel by road to other towns...
L'Anse au Clair10 km(6 mi)
L'Anse au Loup15 km(9 mi)
West St. Modeste29 km(17 mi)
Forteau is situated about 13 km northeast of the Quebec/Labrador border and includes the small communities of English Point and Buckles Point. Its name is derived from the French words meaning Strong Water.

The communities that constitute the Town of Forteau are situated along the shores of Forteau Bay. The town is one of the largest in the Labrador Straits region. While the fishery is still an economic mainstay, other industries and businesses have developed in recent years.

In 1909, International Grenfell Association built the first nursing station in the Labrador Straits, in Forteau. Currently today health care issues are handled by the Labrador Straits Health Center, which is located in Forteau.
More Community Services...
For Children and Youth:
- Junior Development Skiing Program (ages 4 -17)
- Junior Ranger Program (Subregional Program)
- Labrador Straits Family Resource Centre (0-6 years)
For Seniors:
- Labrador South Homecare Inc.(Forteau Office serves the entire Labrador Straits Subregion)
- Labrador Straits Seniors Complex
- Labrador Straits Seniors' Bus
Government Offices:
- Dept of Innovation, Trade and Rural Development (Provincial)
- Employment Assistance Services
- Motor Registration (Monthly visit from representative)
- RCMP Detachment
- Service Canada Outreach Office
Health Services:
- Labrador South Health Centre
- Long Term Care Facility
Public Services:
- Community Access Program (Public Internet Access)
Recreation Facilities:
- Forteau Playground
- Gymnasium (located in town hall)
- Mount Nascopi Ski Club
- Outdoor Baseball Field
- Outdoor Basketball Court
- Tube Slide
Religious Institutions:
- English Point Gospel Hall
- Forteau United Church
- Living Waters Pentacostal Church
- St. Peter's Anglican Church
More Shopping:
- Accommodations
- Automotive Sales
- Automotive service
- Bakery
- Building materials, tools and hardware
- Clothing: general
- Clothing: winter outerwear
- Crafts and gifts
- Furniture and appliances
- Hairdresser/barber
- Office and school supplies
- Pharmacy/Drug Store
- Tanning salon


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