Pinware is an incorporated town between West St Modeste and Red Bay. The community name is a corruption of Pied Noir (Black Foot), said to be from the shape of a rock found at the mouth of Black Rock Brook. The Pinware River has been formerly known as Riviere des Francois and Pirouette River.
Some of the best timber stands in the region are located along the Pinware River. The River is also renowned for some of the best salmon angling experiences. Artifacts discovered adjacent to the town indicate that Pinware Hill is one of the earliest Palaeo Indian archaeological sites in the Province, dating back nearly 9000 years. Many different Aboriginal cultures have lived in the area of Pinware. The longest habitation was probably during the Maritime Archaic period. Later the Pre-Dorset Palaeo-Eskimos used the rich marine resources found at Pinware. They were followed by the Groswater Palaeo-Eskimo and then the Dorset Paleo-Eskimo cultures. Europeans were attracted to the area in the 16th century, also for the rich marine resources.
By the 1600's French fishermen lived in big summer houses in near the community and caught and dried their catch. They also barked their twine in a big iron pot that can still be seen at Ship Head. Pierre Constantin, a merchant, was given control of the area in 1715. A trading post was opened and the seal hunt and salmon fishery became integral to the operation. The English merchants of Noble and Pinson later established a post in the community.
It is understood that the first year-round settlers were an Irish family of John O'Dell, who made their way from Carbonear, NL in the late 1700's. By 1980 Pinware had a small salt fish plant, a community wharf and several supply businesses.
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